Volunteer. Grow. Lead

Our Beneficiaries


At GoGive Time, organisations can easily participate in structured group volunteering opportunities with NGOs and community-based organisations. Our partner organisations have the privilege of matching their staff with the most suitable community-level opportunities to:

  • Foster the development of new skills among their workforce

  • Fulfill corporate social responsibility and sustainability initiatives

  • Cultivate future leaders

Professional Image
Professional Image

Professionals who engage in volunteering activities through GoGive Time gain recognition for their valuable contributions. This recognition opens doors for mentorship, allowing them to grow as leaders and eventually become mentors themselves.

Key benefits include:

  • Building a diverse skill set for future job opportunities

  • Earning certificates and badges based on service hours

  • Receiving technical support from GoGive Time


GoGive Time provides students with the means to gain valuable experience, overcoming the challenge of limited experience when entering the job market.

Students can:

  • Develop a comprehensive skill set for future job opportunities

  • Earn certificates and badges through hours of service

  • Receive mentorship and guidance in leadership development

Professional Image
Professional Image

GoGive Time is dedicated to providing communities with locally-tailored, demand-driven solutions to meet their specific needs, including disaster response. Our aim is to create a sustainable ecosystem where communities can access technical and leadership resources at a minimal cost.

Communities benefit by:

  • Addressing their development needs at a low cost

  • Taking charge of their own development by specifying the required human capital

  • Contributing to locally-driven leadership development

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