Volunteer. Grow. Lead

How It Works

Event Creation and Publication

Professionals who engage in volunteering activities through GoGive Time gain recognition for their valuable contributions. This recognition opens doors for mentorship, allowing them to grow as leaders and eventually become mentors themselves.

Time Monitoring 

Volunteer hours are recorded and contribute towards milestones, allowing volunteers to receive recognition for their dedicated service and its quality.

Discover and Share Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers can effortlessly find service opportunities based on proximity, interests, or availability. They can also easily share these opportunities through their social media networks, spreading the word and inspiring others to get involved.

Event Registration, Check-In, and Check-Out

Volunteers can conveniently sign up for events, check in upon arrival, and check out when they are finished, streamlining the attendance process.

Volunteer Appreciation

Organisations have the ability to recognise volunteer efforts through badges, certifications, and various forms of appreciation, acknowledging and celebrating their contributions.

Messaging Capabilities

Hosting organisations can stay connected with volunteers by sending updates and notifications. Meanwhile, volunteers can easily request information and communicate with hosting organisations, fostering effective collaboration.

Profile Management

Organisations have the ability to recognise volunteer efforts through badges, certifications, and various forms of appreciation, acknowledging and celebrating their contributions.

Organisation and Volunteer Approval

Hosting organisations can stay connected with volunteers by sending updates and notifications. Meanwhile, volunteers can easily request information and communicate with hosting organisations, fostering effective collaboration.

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